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Discsussion 2

Q Contraception Discussion Question - Discussion Group 4 From PSYC-22-52804 Instructions • For this discussion, you will choose 2 of the contraceptive methods from the list below. o For each method you choose, do the following: 1. Describe the contraceptive method and how to use it. 2. Present the advantages and disadvantages of the method. • You must use at least one of the following to obtain information about the 2 methods you have chosen: o The text book o The web site for Planned Parenthood(Links to an external site.), o The CDC's information on reproductive health(Links to an external site.) • Your initial post should be at least 300 words. • Reply to at least 2 students (75 word minimum for replies). Choose 2 from the following contraceptive options: • Oral Contraceptives • Hormonal Implant • Depo-Provera • Contraceptive Patch • Contraceptive Ring • Emergency Hormonal Contraception • Diaphram • Cervical Cap • Contraceptive Sponge • Spermicides • Intrauterine Device (IUD) • Male Condom • Female Condom Contraception Discussion Question - Discussion Group 4 From PSYC-22-52804 Instructions • For this discussion, you will choose 2 of the contraceptive methods from the list below. o For each method you choose, do the following: 1. Describe the contraceptive method and how to use it. 2. Present the advantages and disadvantages of the method. • You must use at least one of the following to obtain information about the 2 methods you have chosen: o The text book o The web site for Planned Parenthood(Links to an external site.), o The CDC's information on reproductive health(Links to an external site.) • Your initial post should be at least 300 words. • Reply to at least 2 students (75 word minimum for replies). Choose 2 from the following contraceptive options: • Oral Contraceptives • Hormonal Implant • Depo-Provera • Contraceptive Patch • Contraceptive Ring • Emergency Hormonal Contraception • Diaphram • Cervical Cap • Contraceptive Sponge • Spermicides • Intrauterine Device (IUD) • Male Condom • Female Condom

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The first birth control I chose is the implant, also known as Nexplanon, which is a tiny thin rod about the size of a matchstick. This implant releases hormones into your body that prevents you from getting pregnant. You can either have a nurse or a doctor place this in one of your arms to protect you for up to 5 years from getting pregnant. This birth control has a few advantages to it one is you no longer get your periods while you have the implant another great advantage is that once it's placed that's all you need, no need to do anything else.